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Bulbous, wide5

Blunt Nose and Protruding Mouth Improvement Surgery – Noselab Dr. Chayoung Kang Hello!This is Dr. Chayoung Kang, the Director of Noselab Clinic.Today we will talk about a case of rhinoplasty that improved the appearance of a protruding mouth.Preoperative Design ConsultationOverall, the nose looked bulbous and blunt.The nasal base was wide which emphasized the bulbous appearance of the nose.The nasal bone and nostrils were asymmetric, which made the nose appear crooked.Front.. 2024. 5. 16.
Real Case: Deviated and Bulbous Nose Corrective Surgery – Noselab Dr. Chayoung Kang Hello!I am Director Chayoung Kang of Noselab Clinic, in pursuit of beauty and reducing side effects in rhinoplasty.There is a lot of curiosity surrounding the methods, and types of materials that can be used in rhinoplasty. Since the nose is at the center of the face, and changing it determines the ratio and overall appearance of the face, most people hope to get perfect results.However, it is i.. 2024. 5. 10.
Closed rhinoplasty Korea + Long and hump nose 1. Preoperative consultation The patient had a hump nose and visited my clinic to correct his overall flat and long appearance. In particular, he had a very important nose ratio because his face looked long and had small chin. 2. A surgical plan I planned an lateral osteotomy to remove the hump and improve the feeling of bending, and to correct the blunt and spread bulbous feeling, I planned a s.. 2024. 2. 6.
Closed rhinoplasty Korea, droopy and bulbous nose_noselab 1. Preoperative consultation The patient visited my clinic with nasal congestion and wanted to correct the stubby nose and the low nose bridge. The skin at the tip of the nose was thick, and the nose bridge looked smaller than the tip of the nose, the nostrils were seen a lot in front of it, and the mouth protruded. 2. A surgical plan In order to improve the bulbous nose, I planned to reduce the.. 2024. 2. 5.